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1880s or 1890s PUGET SOUND AND ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY - Organized (in 1889) Under the Laws of Washington - Headquarters at Utsalady, Washington. Stock Certificate

1880s or 1890s PUGET SOUND AND ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY - Organized (in 1889) Under the Laws of Washington - Vignette shows an early steamer in rough seas. This was the successor of the Washington Steamboat Company. Headquarters at Utsalady, Washington. The company was started by Capt. D. B. Jackson. The steamers operated between ports on Puget Sound and Alaska destinations. The steamships owned by the company included the City of Kingston, City of Seattle, Susie, Daisy, City of Quincy, Washington, Edith, Eliza Anderson and Merwin. Shares were valued at $100 each, and this is a 100 share stock certificate... so this would have been quite an investment during that era. Printed by the Franklin Bank Note Co. of New York. Unissued. Dated 18__. SOLD  

1900 LITTLE JEWEL MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Mines at Tacoma, Washington. Western Stock Certificate

1900 LITTLE JEWEL MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Uncommon stock design I have not seen before. President George Washington vignette. Certificate #49, issued to Herbert J. Banton. Mines at Tacoma, Washington. Dateline reads Boston. Certainly a nice name!   Price - $89.00

1900 CO-OPERATIVE MINING SYNDICATE - Seattle, Washington. Western Stock Certificate

1900 CO-OPERATIVE MINING SYNDICATE - Seattle, Washington

Price - $58.00

I also have an unissued certificate from this company - Price - $25.00

Please note:  The issued example recently sold but I still have the unissued one.

1917 ELIOMACHAN MINES - Incorporated (in 1917) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Stock Certificate # 3

1917 ELIOMACHAN MINES - Incorporated (in 1917) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Stock # 3. This company is kind of a mystery. The corporate seal reads 1917 - 1967. This must have been an error. I did find one small reference to the company in some Washington public records dated 1919. L. B. Cornell secretary and Edward D. King president.   Price - $39.00

1905 COLUMBIA RIVER GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Mines were located in Stevens County. Ore contained gold, silver and copper. Office at Kettle Falls, Washington

1905 COLUMBIA RIVER GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Mines were located in Stevens County. Ore contained gold, silver and copper. The directors were M. M. Fish as secretary and J. Merritt Fish, company president. Office at Kettle Falls, Washington (printed at dateline).   Price - $55.00 

1903 MOUNTAIN LION GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated in 1898 - This was an early Washington lode mine. Ferry County Washington - Republic Mining District

1903 MOUNTAIN LION GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated in 1898 - This was an early Washington lode mine. Owned the following properties: Mountain Lion Mining Claim, Last Chance Mining Claim, Flatiron Mining Claim and the Mountain Lion Millsite. Ferry County Washington - Republic Mining DistrictJonathan Bourne, company president. Office located at Portland, Oregon. Stock certificate printed by C. H. Crocker Lith. Portland.   Price - $95.00

1899 LLOYD MINING AND MILLING COMPANY - Incorporated Jan. 5th, 1899 Under the Laws of the State of Washington - OFFICE AND PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS, SPOKANE, WASH. Mines Located near Kellar, Washington

1899 LLOYD MINING AND MILLING COMPANY - Incorporated Jan. 5th, 1899 Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Stock certificate #60, issued to L. A. Loklas for 1,000 shares worth 5 cents each. OFFICE AND PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS, SPOKANE, WASH. Mines Located near Kellar, Washington. Most notable is the large pickaxe and shovel printed in the background. Vignette shows an early ore mill in the mountains with billowing smokestacks. Signed by Chas. James as president. *** Scarce ***   Price - $175 

1922 RAINY PASS MINING AND MILLING COMPANY Stock Certificate - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Office at Spokane Washington. Shiny-gold corporate seal.

1922 RAINY PASS MINING AND MILLING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Certificate issued for 200 shares. Signed by Charles B. Roosa as secretary and Edward E. Brockhauserr, vice president. Office at Spokane Washington. Shiny-gold corporate seal.   Price - $60.00

1890s COPPER BELL GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Spokane. Old West Stock Certificate

1890s COPPER BELL GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Shares were valued at 10 cents each. Picture shows two early prospectors panning for gold in a stream - camp fire smoldering in the background. Certificate printed by The W. D. Knight Co., Printers and Binders, Spokane, Wash. (Dated 189_ on reverse)  Price - $55.00

1909 HIBERNIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY - Owned three mining claims in Stevens County, Washington. Pierre Lake District. Ore contained gold and copper

1909 HIBERNIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1903) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Stock certificate issued to Frank Hosier for 1,000 shares. Owned three mining claims in Stevens County, Washington. Pierre Lake District. Ore contained gold and copper. Harry S. Martin, secretary and F. M. Morris company president. Vignette shows 3 early miners filling an ore cart in a tunnel.   Price - $60.00

1903 GOLD RIDGE MINING COMPANY Stock Certificate - Offices located at Boonville, Indiana but the actual mines were in Washington state

1903 GOLD RIDGE MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of Indiana - Offices located at Boonville, Indiana but the actual mines were in Washington state. I was unable to find anything more specific about this obscure mining operation. I would assume it was a gold mine. Stock certificate issued to Wayland English for 5 shares valued at $100 each. Price - $55.00    

1897 SURPRISE MILLING AND MINING COMPANY - Bright, shiny-gold corporate seal says Davenport, Washington. Western Stock Certificate

1897 SURPRISE MILLING AND MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1897) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Issued to L. H. Davis. Bright, shiny-gold corporate seal says Davenport, Washington (also printed on the date line). Davenport is in Lincoln County.  I believe there was a mining district that went by the name of Surprise. Signed by C. H. Neal as president.

Price - $69.00

1907 MOUNTAIN GULCH MINING AND MILLING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1900) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Office at FARMINGTON, WASHINGTON. Lode gold mines located in the Hoodoo Mining District - Taylor Group of Mines (Discovered by the Taylor brothers of Farmington, Washington)

1907 MOUNTAIN GULCH MINING AND MILLING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1900) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Office at FARMINGTON, WASHINGTON printed on right side. Stock certificate issued to Channey L. Buck for 500 shares valued at 10 cents each. W. E. Seelye, company president. Lode gold mines located in the Hoodoo Mining District - Taylor Group of Mines (Discovered by the Taylor brothers of Farmington, Washington). Ore veins contained what is known as "free gold".   Price - $89.00

1897 CHICAGO GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1897) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - The timeline is right, so I have a hunch this one is from the Klondike Gold Rush. Office at Tacoma, Washington. Western Stock Certificate

1897 CHICAGO GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1897) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - One of the first stock certificates issued by the company - Stock# 8. Issued to S. H. Munter for 100 shares. Shiny-gold corporate seal clearly punched into the lower-left. Many mining companies formed after gold was discovered in the Klondike were based out of Washington state. The timeline is right, so I have a hunch this one is from the Klondike Gold Rush. Office at Tacoma, Washington. E. L. Johnson, president.   Price - $149

1899 REPUBLIC CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in March of 1899) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Ferry County

1899 REPUBLIC CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in March of 1899) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Ferry County. The Republic Gold Rush began in 1896. By 1900, the town of Republic had more than 20 saloons, 7 hotels, 9 general stores and countless other establishments catering to the miners. In 1902, the Kettle Valley Railroad and Great Northern Railroad reached the town. Up until that time, ore was shipped by wagon to smelters in Washington and British Columbia. Company office at Spokane.   Price - $75.00 

1896 THE CONSOL GOLD MINING COMPANY Stock Certificate - Incorporated (in 1896) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Office at Spokane, Washington

1896 THE CONSOL GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1896) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Signed by W. A. Ritchie as president. Office at Spokane, Washington. Printed by the Shaw Borden Company of Spokane. Shiny-gold corporate seal.   Price - $55.00

1896 O. K. GOLD MINING COMPANY Stock Certificate - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Impressive Bald Eagle vignette. Office at Spokane, Washington

1896 O. K. GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Ore from this mine contained gold-bearing quartz. Impressive Bald Eagle vignette. Stock certificate issued to John R. K. McKenzie for 500 shares. H. M. Stephens, secretary. Wm. H. Warren, president. Office at Spokane, Washington.   Price - $49.00

1905 PACIFIC COAL AND OIL COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1900 and 1903) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Stock certificate. Operated the Snell mine, located about 2 miles southeast of Wilkeson, Washington in Pierce County

1905 PACIFIC COAL AND OIL COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1900 and 1903) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Stock certificate issued to L. H. Munter for 100 shares valued at 10 cents each. M. A. Preston, secretary. Operated the Snell mine, located about 2 miles southeast of Wilkeson, Washington in Pierce County. This slope mine produced bituminous coal.  Shiny-gold corporate seal. Comes with the original company envelope.   Price - $39.00

1903 FAVORITE GOLD AND COPPER MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Lands on Mt. Ellemeham in Okanogan County, WA. Wanicutt Lake Mining District. Mine office at Night Hawk.

1903 FAVORITE GOLD AND COPPER MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Lands on Mt. Ellemeham in Okanogan County, WA. Wanicutt Lake Mining District. Mine office at Night Hawk. Also had an office at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Ores contained mainly copper, but also some gold, silver and lead. Notice the small caption below the lower vignette which says "STRUCK IT RICH". Shiny-gold corporate seal. Comes with a letter typed on the official company letterhead  from Night Hawk, Washington on June 17th, 1903. Certificate signed by Dr. J. McBride as secretary.   Price - $65.00

1900 CHESPA BLUE JAY GOLD MINING COMPANY - Mine located 150 feet from the Morning Glory Tunnel in the Republic Mining District, Ferry County, Washington

1900 CHESPA BLUE JAY GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Stock certificate issued to Mattie E. Cole for 2,500 shares valued at 10 cents each. Mine located 150 feet from the Morning Glory Tunnel in the Republic Mining District, Ferry County, Washington. Printed by Press of the Wright-Greensberg Co. Office at Spokane, WA.   Price - $60.00 

1903 ETHEL CONSOLIDATED MINES - Incorporated in September of 1902 Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Index Mining District, Snohomish County, Washington. Ornate Stock Certificate

1903 ETHEL CONSOLIDATED MINES - Incorporated in September of 1902 Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Larger than average stock certificate. Did not fit entirely on my scanner but it is complete. Issued to L. E. Freund for 100 shares. Index Mining District, Snohomish County, Washington. The original claims were located in 1900.
Here is a list of some of the claims:
Ethel No. 1
Ethel No. 2
Excelsior No. 1
Excelsior No. 2
Excelsior No. 3
W. J. Bryan
John D. Scotty
New Home
The operation was located 5 & 1/2 miles northeast of Index on the north side of the north fork of the Skykomish River. Electric power was developed from Ethel Creek for running the concentrating plant and lighting the mines and buildings. Ore produced primarily copper but small amounts of silver and gold were present as well.  


1897 THE WHISKEY HILL MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (November 18th, 1896) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Office at Ellensburgh, Washington. Owned 20 gold claims and a tunnel site on Whiskey Hill near the Okanogan River. Wanicutt Lake Mining District. Kittitas County

1897 THE WHISKEY HILL MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (November 18th, 1896) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Early stock #16, issued to company president Charles H. Flummerfelt for a whopping 60,000 shares. Martin Cameron, secretary. Office at Ellensburgh, Washington. Owned 20 gold claims and a tunnel site on Whiskey Hill near the Okanogan River. Wanicutt Lake Mining District. Kittitas County. SOLD

1898 THE OLD HICKORY GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1897) Under the Laws of the Territory of Arizona - Stock certificate. Mines were located in Okanogan and Stevens counties, Washington. Republic District

1898 THE OLD HICKORY GOLD MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1897) Under the Laws of the Territory of Arizona - Stock certificate issued to Wm. Belknap for 100 shares. According to my research, the mines were located in Okanogan and Stevens counties, Washington. Republic District. This companies' mining claims were named as follows: Old Hickory - L. C. Kidd - Denslow - Victor - New York - Ward. Signed by (Colonel) Fleetwood Ward as secretary and E. H. Denslow, president.   Price - $89.00

1901 ORIENT GOLD MINING AND MILLING COMPANY - This gold mine was located in Stevens County, Washington. It was originally located in 1896 and called the Never Tell Mine. Had offices at Noblesville, Indiana and Bossburg, Washington

1901 ORIENT GOLD MINING AND MILLING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1898) Under the Laws of Washington - Unique stock design. Certificate issued to Charles Grutt for 2,000 shares. This gold mine was located in Stevens County, Washington. It was originally located in 1896 and called the Never Tell Mine. Two years later it changed hands and was renamed the Orient Gold MMC. Signed by A. J. Brown as secretary and John Brown, company president. Had offices at Noblesville, Indiana and Bossburg, Washington. Certificate printed at the Ledger Printing House, Noblesville, IN. (8) Five cent Internal Revenue stamps affixed to lower-left - series of 1898.   Price - $85.00 

1908 PALMER MOUNTAIN TUNNEL & POWER COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1905) Under the Laws of Arizona - Rare, ornate western stock certificate. Mine office: Loomis, Okanogan County, Washington. Owned 65 claims on Palmer Mountain. Ores contained gold and copper

1908 PALMER MOUNTAIN TUNNEL & POWER COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1905) Under the Laws of Arizona - Rare, ornate stock certificate issued to E. C. Willard for 2,000 shares. Large shiny-gold corporate seal with unique design in the center. Mine office: Loomis, Okanogan County, Washington. Owned 65 claims on Palmer Mountain. Ores contained gold and copper. Signed by Lee H. Porter as secretary and John Tilley, company president. Power for this mining operation provided by a hydro-electric plant on Tout Coulee Creek.   Price - $295   

1910 IDA MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Office at Spokane, Washington. Western Stock Certificate

1910 IDA MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Stock certificate issued to C. W. Everts for 3,000 shares. Signed by W. E. Allen as secretary and L. E. Kinney, company president. Office at Spokane, Washington.   Price - $39.00

1903 OLYMPIC MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1899) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Office and Principal Place of Business, Seattle, Washington. Here is an excerpt I found in my research: "Absorbed the Index Mining Company and the Ketchikan Mining Company. Owns a gold mine and stamp mill in southeastern Alaska and coal mines in Fairfax, Washington." Signed by E. R. Butterworth as president and Alfred Jeffery, company secretary. Shiny-gold corporate seal. Vignette shows horse-drawn ore carts being pulled through mountainous wilderness. 

1903 OLYMPIC MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1899) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Office and Principal Place of Business, Seattle, Washington. Here is an excerpt I found in my research: "Absorbed the Index Mining Company and the Ketchikan Mining Company. Owns a gold mine and stamp mill in southeastern Alaska and coal mines in Fairfax, Washington." Signed by E. R. Butterworth as president and Alfred Jeffery, company secretary. Shiny-gold corporate seal. Vignette shows horse-drawn ore carts being pulled through mountainous wilderness.   Price - $79.00 

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