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1957 ROCKY MOUNTAIN URANIUM CORPORATION - Mine located in Garfield County, Utah - Henry Mountains District - Circle Cliffs Area

1957 ROCKY MOUNTAIN URANIUM CORPORATION - Incorporated (in 1954) Under the Laws of the State of Delaware - Stock certificate issued to Ray P. Bernardi for 400 shares valued at 10 cents each. Mine located in Garfield County, Utah - Henry Mountains District - Circle Cliffs Area. The ore contained Uranium and copper. It is now part of Capitol Reef National Park. The mine was apparently never a big producer. Gene W. Hewett, treasurer and Critchell Parsons, company president. Notice the atomic symbol at the bottom.   Price - $69.00  


1919 MAY DAY MINING AND MILLING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of  Utah - What a pleasant name for a mining company! LOCATION OF MINES TINTIC MINING DISTRICT, UTAH printed beneath title. A. Reeves, secretary. Office at Salt Lake City. Shares valued at 25 cents each.  

Price - $89.00

1903 ERIE COPPER MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1902) Under the Laws of Utah - Location of Mines, Beaver Lake Mining District, Beaver County, Utah

1903 ERIE COPPER MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1902) Under the Laws of Utah - Location of Mines, Beaver Lake Mining District, Beaver County, Utah (printed beneath number of shares). Offices at Salt Lake City. C. E. Albrook president and L. G. Brown secretary. Owned 15 claims showing fissure veins in granite. Most of the copper was found in low-grade sulphide ores but some native copper was occasionally discovered in the lower workings.

Price - $66.00

1921 BINGHAM GALENA MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1921) Under the Laws of Utah - Bingham Canyon

1921 BINGHAM GALENA MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1921) Under the Laws of Utah - Stock certificate issued to L. B. McCornick for 5,000 shares. This operation was likely in Bingham Canyon. Offices at Salt Lake City, Utah. Early stock# 10.   Price - $42.00

1909 WARM SPRINGS IRON WORKS - Incorporated (in 1909) Under the Laws of the State of Utah - Issued to L. B. McCornick, who I believe was the son of the well-known Utah banker, W. S. McCornick. Stock Certificate

1909 WARM SPRINGS IRON WORKS - Incorporated (in 1909) Under the Laws of the State of Utah - Issued to L. B. McCornick, who I believe was the son of the well-known Utah banker, W. S. McCornick. Stock# 5.
Price - $35.00

930 UTAH PENNSYLVANIAN OIL COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Utah. Issued to L. B. McCornick. Office at Salt Lake City

1930 UTAH PENNSYLVANIAN OIL COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Utah. Issued to L. B. McCornick. Office at Salt Lake City.
Price - $25.00

1923 EUREKA METALLURGICAL COMPANY - Incorporated in 1917 - Eureka, Utah. R. V. Smith

1923 EUREKA METALLURGICAL COMPANY - Incorporated in 1917 - Eureka, Utah - Issued to L. B. McCornick for 1,500 shares. The company was organized to conduct a general metallurgical business, using patents of R. V. Smith for treating carbonate lead-zinc ores. Operated a small mill at Eureka. R. V. Smith signed the certificate as vice president.   Price - $62.00 

1920 UTAH ZINC COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Utah - Issued to L. B. McCornick - Murray, Utah

1920 UTAH ZINC COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Utah - Issued to L. B. McCornick for 5,000 shares. This company had a zinc oxide plant at Murray, Utah. Office at Salt Lake City.

Price - $30.00

1881 THE AMERICAN ANTIMONY COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of Utah Territory - Location of Mines and Works, Grass Valley, Iron County, Utah

1881 THE AMERICAN ANTIMONY COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of Utah Territory - Location of Mines and Works, Grass Valley, Iron County, Utah (printed beneath title). Beautiful territorial stock certificate printed by the American Bank Note Company of New York. The American Antimony Company was organized in 1881 by Anthony Godbe of Salt Lake City. "The ore lies in almost horizontal beds and is easily and cheaply mined." The ore quality was said to be superior. Stock# 53, issued to Charles Lennig for 500 shares worth $10 each. SCARCE   Price - $275   

1880 THE FRISCO CONSOLIDATED SILVER MINING COMPANY - The Frisco works were in Beaver County, Utah, in the San Francisco Mining District

1880 THE FRISCO CONSOLIDATED SILVER MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of Utah - Cert. #112. Stock certificate issued to Samuel Hawks for 100 shares valued at $10 each. The Frisco works were in Beaver County, Utah, in the San Francisco Mining District. Corporate seal punched into lower-left. R. P. Derickson, company president. Office at Frisco, Utah. Printed by Evening Journal Print, Chicago.   SOLD


1897 SUNBEAM CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1896) Under the Laws of Utah - Tintic Mining District, Utah

1897 SUNBEAM CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1896) Under the Laws of Utah - Tintic Mining District, Utah printed beneath title. Signed by Marcus E. Jones as vice president.   SOLD 

1917 BONNEVILLE ON THE HILL COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of Utah. Salt Lake City Stock Certificate

1917 BONNEVILLE ON THE HILL COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of Utah - At first glance, I thought this was a car racing stock. With some research, I found that it was an early high-class residential suburb of Salt Lake City, known for the architectural style of the homes. Stock #22.

Price - $50.00

1884 SALT LAKE ROCK COMPANY - Organized (in 1882) Under the Laws of Utah Territory - RARE stock certificate issued to a number of prominent people in Utahs' history. John W. Young, Rulon S. Wells, P. L. Williams, W. W. Riter, Seymour B. Young, James Sharp, Alfales Young, LeGrand Young

1884 SALT LAKE ROCK COMPANY - Organized (in 1882) Under the Laws of Utah Territory - RARE stock certificate issued to a number of prominent people in Utahs' history. The actual signatures of all the trustees can be found on the reverse (see scan below). Early stock # 11, issued for 200 shares worth $100 each. Signed by company president, John W. Young and Rulon S. Wells, secretary. Incredibly detailed vignette, showing a rock quarry surrounded by hills and an early steam locomotive pulling a load of large stone blocks. Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. There is way more western history represented in this certificate than I can describe here so I encourage you to Google some of these names.  

1884 SALT LAKE ROCK COMPANY - Organized (in 1882) Under the Laws of Utah Territory - RARE stock certificate issued to a number of prominent people in Utahs' history. John W. Young, Rulon S. Wells, P. L. Williams, W. W. Riter, Seymour B. Young, James Sharp, Alfales Young, LeGrand Young

Trustees signatures on reverse side:

P. L. Williams
W. W. Riter
Seymour B. Young
James Sharp
Alfales Young
LeGrand Young

1919 LUCY L. MINING AND MILLING COMPANY - Owned mines in the Deep Creek Mining District, located in the western part of Tooele and Juab counties of Utah. Early Western Stock Certificate

1919 LUCY L. MINING AND MILLING COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Utah - Stock certificate issued to J. A. Herron for 350 shares valued at 25 cents each. Owned mines in the Deep Creek Mining District, located in the western part of Tooele and Juab counties of Utah. The ore on the property was quite variable. There was a vein of unusual bismuth - gold ore as well as a 250 foot wide copper vein. Silver, tin and lead were also discovered. Signed by Frank L. Wilson as secretary and Clyde H. Wilson, president.   Price - $79.00

1872 MANHATTAN TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Nov. 21st, 1871 - Utah Territory stock certificate issued to John S. Mears for 20 shares valued at $25 each. LOCATION EMMA HILL, LITTLE COTTONWOOD DISTRICT, UTAH (printed on bottom border). Signed by Jas. W. Parks as secretary and John C. Parks, company president. Red 25 cent Internal Revenue stamp affixed to left side. Amazing condition for its age - it hasn't even been folded.

1872 MANHATTAN TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Nov. 21st, 1871 - Utah Territory stock certificate issued to John S. Mears for 20 shares valued at $25 each. LOCATION EMMA HILL, LITTLE COTTONWOOD DISTRICT, UTAH (printed on bottom border). Signed by Jas. W. Parks as secretary and John C. Parks, company president. Red 25 cent Internal Revenue stamp affixed to left side. Amazing condition for its age - it hasn't even been folded.   SOLD

1892 NIAGARA MINING AND SMELTING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1889) Under the Laws of Utah Territory - Stock certificate #14, issued to the vice president of the company, George B. Langley for 1,050 shares worth $10 each. Contains one of the more impressive corporate seals I have seen, showing an Eagle's head at center. Worked a number of mines in Bingham Canyon, about 27 miles from Salt Lake City. Ore contained gold, silver, lead and iron. Signed by C. Howard Schermerhorn as secretary and Gilbert E. Palen, president. Certificate printed by the American Bank Note Company of Philadelphia. 

1892 NIAGARA MINING AND SMELTING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1889) Under the Laws of Utah Territory - Stock certificate #14, issued to the vice president of the company, George B. Langley for 1,050 shares worth $10 each. Contains one of the more impressive corporate seals I have seen, showing an Eagle's head at center. Worked a number of mines in Bingham Canyon, about 27 miles from Salt Lake City. Ore contained gold, silver, lead and iron. Signed by C. Howard Schermerhorn as secretary and Gilbert E. Palen, president. Certificate printed by the American Bank Note Company of Philadelphia. Office at Salt Lake City, Utah.   Price - $95.00

Shiny-gold Stock Certificate Corporate Seal, Showing a Grizzly Bear at Center. Western History.

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