Authentic Early Western Mining Stock Certificates
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1903 HIGHLAND GOLD MINES COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of Oregon - Issued at Sumpter, Oregon. Company president, Neil J. Sorensen. This gold & silver mine was located in the Rock Creek Mining District, Baker County, Oregon, in Maxwell Basin. The company apparently had 6 claims. Price - $58.00

1922 OREGON OIL & REFINING COMPANY - Portland, Oregon printed beneath title. Gushing oil wells on both sides. Certificate issued to Mrs. Beatrice Varner for 14 shares. Signed by E. H. East as company president. Price - $55.00

190_ PRESENT NEEDS GOLD MINES COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon printed beneath title. Very unusual name for a gold mine! Operated in Grant County in the Quartzburg Mining District. In my research, the town of Prairie City, Oregon kept coming up, so it was apparently near there as well. Unissued. (Pre-1910)
Price - $49.00

1906 PRESENT NEEDS GOLD MINES COMPANY - Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon printed beneath title. Very unusual name for a gold mine! Operated in Grant County in the Quartzburg Mining District. In my research, the town of Prairie City, Oregon kept coming up, so it was apparently near there as well. Issued stock certificates from this company are tough to find. This one was issued to H. Wolfe for 4,000 shares. Early stock# 18. Signed by Marion Jack as president. Price - $79.00

Early 1900s SUNRISE MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Sept. 22nd, 1900 Under the Laws of the State of Oregon - COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON printed beneath the title. Attractive stock certificate with vignette showing a Bald Eagle with wings spread resting on globe. Unissued. Price - $69.00

1870s ROGUE RIVER HYDRAULIC MINING COMPANY - Incorporated March 19th, 1878 - Very early Oregon stock certificate. Location: Near Galice Creek, Josephine County, Oregon. Office at Canyonville, OR. Red water fountain shown at center. Certificate printed by D. T. Stanley, Steam Printer and Binder, Monmouth, Oregon. Shares were valued at $2 each. Unissued but dated 187_ on reverse and on stub attached to left side (not shown).
Price - $89.00

1914 SILVER KING MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1909) Under the Laws of the State of Oregon - Ore from this mine produced gold, silver, lead and zinc. NORTH SANTIAM MINING DISTRICT - MARION COUNY. Albany, Oregon printed in the corporate seal. Property located 10 miles northeast of Gates, Oregon, a station on the Southern Pacific Railway, and reached by good wagon road. It is also noted that the claims were about 3 miles from the Elkhorn Post Office. J. J. Langmack president and Wm. S. Risley secretary. Price - $55.00

1916 COIN MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY - Incorporated (June 30th, 1910) Under the Laws of the State of Oregon - Stock certificate issued to H. O. Peltier for 2 shares worth $100 each. Signed by Thomas Irving Potter as company president. Mr. Potter owned a patent on a "Coin Delivering Machine", which was later advertized as the "Potter Coin Machine". Office at Portland, Oregon. Price - $49.00

1883 THE EASTERN OREGON GOLD AND SILVER MINING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1882) Under the Laws of the State of New York - Granite Creek Mining District, Grant County, Oregon. Issued to C. S. Miller for 100 shares worth $5 each. Mine located in the Blue Mountains, about 40 miles from Baker City, OR. Owned the Monumental, Doyle and Ruby lodes. Signed by A. B. Stanton as secretary and Willard Brown, vice president. Price - $89.00

1907 PACIFIC AMERICAN GOLD MINES COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1902) Under the Laws of the State of Washington - Certificate issued for 5,000 shares. Mine located 5 miles southwest of Gold Hill, Oregon on a ridge between Galls and Foots Creeks. Jackson County. A few years later, the new owners renamed it the Tin Pan Mine. Uncommon Bald Eagle vignette. Office at Seattle, Washington. Printed by the Republic Bank Note Co. Price - $69.00

1896 SQUAW LAKES WATER & MINING COMPANY - Incorporated Oct. 8th, 1895 in California. The owners of this operation were from San Francisco, CA and Portland, Oregon. Beautiful vignette shows the Upper & Lower Squaw Lakes in Oregon. Constructed ditches and tunnels for irrigation of farmland. Water was also a vital resource for placer gold mining. J. W. Northup, secretary and W. W. Thayer, president. Issued to Leonard Robinson for 50 shares worth $100 each. RARE.
Price - $395

1903 THE TENDERFOOT GOLD MINING AND MILLING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1901) Under the Laws of the State of South Dakota - Stock certificate issued to Cora B. Cobb for 100 shares. This mine was located in Wallowa County, Oregon, 18 miles south of the town of Joseph. The Badger Claim was located nearby. Office at Lake Preston, South Dakota. Signed by E. R. Trippe as president. Price - $75.00

1907 CROWN BOY MINING AND MILLING COMPANY - Incorporated (in 1903) Under the Laws of the State of Oregon - Stock certificate issued to F. H. Boucher for 1,000 shares. Fancy orange underprint. Signed by D. C. Baker as secretary and the last name of the president is Anderson. Office at Oregon City, Oregon. Also notice the small beehives in the bottom border. SOLD

1877 CAPITAL GOLD AND SILVER MINING COMPANY - Incorporated August 8th, 1876 - Scarce and very early Oregon stock certificate issued to Thomas Holman for a whopping 10,000 shares valued at $1 each. Imagine what $10,000 could buy in 1877! Most notable is the bright-red drawing showing an early miner pushing a loaded ore cart out of a mine tunnel, while another miner stands nearby holding a pickaxe and shovel. Signed by J. H. Haas as secretary and John G. Wright, company president. Office at Salem, Oregon. Printed by: E. M. Waite, Steam Printer, Salem. Price - $375